Didn't do much yesterday, and yet, I still didn't manage to find the time to blog about it.
I did try to continue my streak of waking up early. Because when uni goes back I don't want to miss any of my lectures because I'm struggling with my Insomnia. I went to bed at a about 2am and woke up at 9am. BOOYAH! That was the sound in my head I meant to make. In reality it came out as a mumbly "bluragoobsh".
Only after getting up and walking around the still dead to the world house did I realize I had nothing planned to do this early in the morning. So I reset my alarm and kept beating the crap out of it til about 11am.
Then I set to work on finishing the Wheel of Time book 7!
They are really very good fantasy books, but sometimes they ramble on and on about stuff I don't care about. I finished the book though and got to work starting book 8.

Oh and we saw the movie Unstoppable.

LOL! The movie was alright. But now I watch everything with the expectation that there is some big twist ending.
You know what would have made this movie better...
If the train was actually unstoppable. That would have made my day! The train would have crashed and then caused all this damage, and then they would have been like:
"Shit! Looks like we couldn't stop the train after all. Fuck! That sucks dog balls! There's gonna be a shit ton o' mutha fuckers that are gonna lose their jobs now. Fuck. It's just after all that suspense music that seemed to play in the air I thought for sure we were going to stop that train"
And I would have laughed the entire way home. Sigh at what could have been.
Well that's all for now.
- The Train that was Pretty Hard to Stop and we Thought for Sure it was going to cause millions of Dollars Worth of Damage, but Luckily we Stopped it. That movie title probably gives too much of the plot away.
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