So I raced all the way to Campbelltown and escaped a short spurt of rain by seconds. When I got into the doctors office he showed me X-rays of my leg. They were fucking insane. The metal in my leg will not be coming out... This will make traveling a little tricky.
Good times. And... It might just be his operating ego and shit but he said, aside from the pain I'll experience whenever it's really cold and the stiffness and months of rehabbing my leg into walking again... I won't have a limp for the rest of my life XD... just for a long time.
Annnnnnd. I might be able to start walking on it by the time Queensland is here! YAY! Maybe... I'll have to see. He doesn't want me to walk on it for another 8 weeks, but I shall heal my leg!
The downside is things are starting to get expensive. With today's visit and the visit before Queensland and then the subsequent doctor and physio appointments this is probably going to cost me a fair bit. Already down almost $300 (This does not include all the surgery and hospital stuff and the drugs and the doctor appointments I've had between now and then =(
But no life long injury is pretty cool XD
3 Response to The leg... It's still broken...
Hehe stinky foot. But Yayyyy good news! Just make sure u take his advice to heart! If you start walking before that it might push ur healing back even further.
Are u going to Queensland regardless?
Woo oh rightttttt! Listen to Andrea
yup yup. Still going to Queensland. I'll take him an x-ray to see if I'm all healed up.
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