Oh yeah!
Aside from shit like that, university has been really great to get back into.
For one, I fit right back into my role as class clown, and even if I don't think it's appropriate to share the joke with anybody else I always manage to seem like an mental patient because I'm constantly chuckling to myself about something the tutor says.
Also it's good to be reading and thinking about shit that's new and mentally stimulating. Because whilst tumblr may be entertaining...
it's rarely thought provocative.
The thing of most note, however, was my education unit for this semester.
I swear the tutor for this unit did his thesis in cult leadership,
Also, at one point he had us all progress from touching these random peoples hands to everyone in the class getting in a circle and holding hands.
I swear this whole thing is going to end in some sort of ascension ceremony and I ain't drinking the punch.
That's all for now I guess.
Question - If you were a cult leader what mythical god-like creature would you create and then worship?
1 Response to UWS is one big Education worshipping Cult 0_0
Non-Though Provocative indeed.
Just stimulates the things you already know in your head and replaces most of them with Stick Figures and memes. LOL
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