Friday, August 13, 2010


Apparently, I am not a very good friend.

It's most likely true.

I thought I actually contributed a lot... but I guess the worth of what I did doesn't really mean anything in the long run.

I never meant any ingratitude but I guess that's how I presented it.

I have my shit to deal with. I know that by now I should be well over it. I haven't sought help in dealing with my issues, but I don't trust that well.

I won't make the same mistakes again. All I can really do is offer an apology and a thanks... but I don't think they mean much to you.

Oh well.

2 Response to bummer...

13 August, 2010 13:40


22 August, 2010 21:42

Sif not a good friend, whoever said that was hoorrible, don't worry "You've got a friend in me' :)

p.s. where were you today?

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