Friday, August 27, 2010

Does Your Unconscious Self Influence Your Conscious Self?

A short story about our unconscious selves influencing our conscious selves. I'm not sure if it counts but hey, it was all I could think to put down.

Being that it is my unconscious self, I didn't think that I was consciously aware of it and since I don't tend to analyse myself a lot I didn't really know what to write about.

Then the other day my friend, Tim, pointed out to me that I tend to always argue the flip side of the coin. Of course he was right, and so I decided to try and figure out why this was.

When I was younger the person that I looked up to most was my grandmother. She taught me how to read, she was always there to listen to me and she was the kindest person I knew.

When I reached high school I found out that she was diagnosed with cancer and that she only had two months left to live. Needless to say, I did not take this news well. Even so, I put on a brave face and resolved to see her for every single day that she had left.
For a week, I visited the hospital every single day and saw her decline very rapidly. I saw her forget people she had known for a very long time, but she didn't forget me.

My parents must have thought that I needed a break because they forced me to go spend the weekend with a friend, promising me that I would have plenty of time to spend with my grandmother when the weekend was over.

I probably should have suspected something when the weekend dragged on until Wednesday but I didn't. The doctors had told my parents that my grandmother wasn't going to last the week.

The way I saw it, was that my parents had stolen the last days that I would ever get to spend with my grandmother. After that I never took what anybody had to say at face value.

So now, when someone presents an idea, I like to look at it from all angles. Even when I agree with the idea presented, or even if I feel inclined to agree with the idea presented I like to look for flaws in it.

So I guess that my unconscious self doesn't tend to trust and that effects the way in which I take in information. In fact, it tends to take a conscious effort for me to trust what people have to say.

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