I think I might have almost achieved doing less than nothing today.
I made scrambled eggs on toast for breakfast... after talking to Nat until about 9 am.
I slept until 9:30pm... called Dave to check in on some things.
I now and just trolling the internets. I think with the rest of the night I will try and catch up on some shit I need to do.
Today's question is, where is one place in the world you would least enjoy visiting?
Friday, June 24, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Happy Birthday Mariea!
Not too much to blog today.
This morning I took my mum to the hospital for something to do with her arm and then I went to bed at about 8.
I woke up at 4 and got ready for work.
I was working in the members bar and being a Wednesday it was pretty dead. The board of directors were drinking though so we had to keep the bar open for a while. But still, the more I work the more I get paid. It's pretty awesome.
After work I called Dave and I went with Nat and Dave to dinner at some Vietnamese restaurant. I had some sweet corn chicken soup. It was tasty.
Then Dave went home to get some sleep and Nat and I went to Mounties to see Mariea for her 20th birthday.
She was pretty hammered by the time we got there but the people she were with were cool and she was awesome so I had a good time. Plus some dude gave me a free shot of tequila! Yeah free shit! We ended up talking for a fair few hours and by the end of the night we were all pretty sober. Also, Nat's boobs are not very lucky. Either that or the numbers we picked weren't. meh.
Today's question is who is excited and/or coming to my BDAY?!?!
This morning I took my mum to the hospital for something to do with her arm and then I went to bed at about 8.
I woke up at 4 and got ready for work.
I was working in the members bar and being a Wednesday it was pretty dead. The board of directors were drinking though so we had to keep the bar open for a while. But still, the more I work the more I get paid. It's pretty awesome.
After work I called Dave and I went with Nat and Dave to dinner at some Vietnamese restaurant. I had some sweet corn chicken soup. It was tasty.
Then Dave went home to get some sleep and Nat and I went to Mounties to see Mariea for her 20th birthday.
Today's question is who is excited and/or coming to my BDAY?!?!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
I think I'm getting older. Mainly because some shit in the news is starting to really piss me the fuck off. I get angry and wanna kill things... like a honey badger bitch!
For instance, this fucking crazy Muslim bitch got out of a jail sentence, just because in the video evidence she was wearing a burqa!
How fucked up is that. She got a 6 month prison sentence for lying about the police officer ripping her ninja fucking face mask off, and then gets off because of some stupid fucking bullshit fuck ass shit like not being able to identify her. How the fuck did she even get her license if she didn't show her fucking face? FUCK!
Does that mean I can get away with drink driving if I pretend to be some ninja muslim woman in a table cloth?
Then when she does get off, some supporters of hers, also Muslim, start fighting outside the courtroom.
I don't give a shit what their religion tells them to do, you shouldn't be able to wear shit like that if it means that you suddenly become unaccountable for any illegal actions you take.
And I can't help feeling that 5 years ago I probably wouldn't have given quite so many fucks about this shit.
So today's question is what do you think about conflicts between religious dogma and the law?
For instance, this fucking crazy Muslim bitch got out of a jail sentence, just because in the video evidence she was wearing a burqa!
How fucked up is that. She got a 6 month prison sentence for lying about the police officer ripping her ninja fucking face mask off, and then gets off because of some stupid fucking bullshit fuck ass shit like not being able to identify her. How the fuck did she even get her license if she didn't show her fucking face? FUCK!
Does that mean I can get away with drink driving if I pretend to be some ninja muslim woman in a table cloth?
Then when she does get off, some supporters of hers, also Muslim, start fighting outside the courtroom.
I don't give a shit what their religion tells them to do, you shouldn't be able to wear shit like that if it means that you suddenly become unaccountable for any illegal actions you take.
And I can't help feeling that 5 years ago I probably wouldn't have given quite so many fucks about this shit.
So today's question is what do you think about conflicts between religious dogma and the law?
Monday, June 20, 2011
Happy Birthday to Nat, and I hope Garry survives the snow... and this title has nothing to do with the blog
Time to blog.
I didn't get to blog last night because I was too tired and I spent most of the night on FaceTime with Tim, looking at ideas for his tattoos.
As far as I can recollect I spent a lot of the previous morning awake, followed by sleep then work.
Work did not last long. It was a 3 hour shift, 2 hours was behind the bar where I made a total of like $6 in tips. The third hour was just me on the floor picking up glasses and shit. It wasn't so bad because I like being able to go home early, but I always wish I got to stay longer because I need the money... a lot.
As soon as I left work I checked my phone and saw that I had a text from Dave and so I decided to head over to Nat's house. We played pool and shit and they told me about my surprise birthday present, which was sky diving, which apparently I'm too fat for. That was crushing. Not so much that I didn't get to go, just that it makes feel shamed.
But man, even if I can't do it. How the hell do you top that for a birthday present? The thought was amazing and I don't know how I come even come close to that for Nat's birthday. I'm so broke and yeah... I'll make it up somehow.
Well eventually we ended up at Hoyts and we watched Bridesmaids.
That movie was fucking hilarious. I laughed almost the whole way through that movie. At the same time, parts of that movie were just so painful to watch. But it was the awkward funny painful. Man, that movie was good. It didn't even matter that it was a chick-flick.
On the drive home we didn't really have enough room in the car so we stuck Lana in the the back. We took the turns a little rough and jumped the speedhumps because it was fun making her bounce around. We dropped Tim off first and Lana was able to climb back in the front seat as we made our way back to Nat's.
We saw this horrible video of this guy pulling a maggotty thing out of his back. It was disgusting. But I can't remember what it was called so I'm not going to post it here.
Dave slept and we spent til nearly 4 in the morning chatting about shit. I also discovered that my teeth are incapable of cracking the shell of a macadamia nut. This was the second biggest disappointment of the evening. I used to have so much faith in my teeth.
Got home and FaceTime'd with Tim again. We mostly talked about his writing and then I crashed at like 8am.
When I woke up it was time to get ready for work. I had a 2 o'clock shift that lasted until 7:30. not bad, considering the Sunday rates, but I still would have preferred to work an 8 hour shift. More and more I keep thinking that it's time to start looking for a new job. I just don't know how to balance everything all at once.
Ideally I would really like to go back to working full time again, something with a decent rate of pay. But I don't know how that would work if I wanted to keep doing uni and keep doing the course I'm doing.
Work was fun but I already covered the previous days work topic so fuck that... I'm too lazy. When I finished I ate dinner with the 'rents and drove some drunkees home from the club. Before I knew it, it was now and I was writing this shit.
'Spose that will do. I wonder if anyone still reads this blog. I might start asking random questions at the end of them to make them interesting.
Question the first.
What are peoples thoughts about picking up chicks while they are intoxicated? Fair or Unfair? LOL
Catch ya laters
I didn't get to blog last night because I was too tired and I spent most of the night on FaceTime with Tim, looking at ideas for his tattoos.
As far as I can recollect I spent a lot of the previous morning awake, followed by sleep then work.
Work did not last long. It was a 3 hour shift, 2 hours was behind the bar where I made a total of like $6 in tips. The third hour was just me on the floor picking up glasses and shit. It wasn't so bad because I like being able to go home early, but I always wish I got to stay longer because I need the money... a lot.
As soon as I left work I checked my phone and saw that I had a text from Dave and so I decided to head over to Nat's house. We played pool and shit and they told me about my surprise birthday present, which was sky diving, which apparently I'm too fat for. That was crushing. Not so much that I didn't get to go, just that it makes feel shamed.
But man, even if I can't do it. How the hell do you top that for a birthday present? The thought was amazing and I don't know how I come even come close to that for Nat's birthday. I'm so broke and yeah... I'll make it up somehow.
Well eventually we ended up at Hoyts and we watched Bridesmaids.
On the drive home we didn't really have enough room in the car so we stuck Lana in the the back. We took the turns a little rough and jumped the speedhumps because it was fun making her bounce around. We dropped Tim off first and Lana was able to climb back in the front seat as we made our way back to Nat's.
We saw this horrible video of this guy pulling a maggotty thing out of his back. It was disgusting. But I can't remember what it was called so I'm not going to post it here.
Dave slept and we spent til nearly 4 in the morning chatting about shit. I also discovered that my teeth are incapable of cracking the shell of a macadamia nut. This was the second biggest disappointment of the evening. I used to have so much faith in my teeth.
When I woke up it was time to get ready for work. I had a 2 o'clock shift that lasted until 7:30. not bad, considering the Sunday rates, but I still would have preferred to work an 8 hour shift. More and more I keep thinking that it's time to start looking for a new job. I just don't know how to balance everything all at once.
Ideally I would really like to go back to working full time again, something with a decent rate of pay. But I don't know how that would work if I wanted to keep doing uni and keep doing the course I'm doing.
Work was fun but I already covered the previous days work topic so fuck that... I'm too lazy. When I finished I ate dinner with the 'rents and drove some drunkees home from the club. Before I knew it, it was now and I was writing this shit.
'Spose that will do. I wonder if anyone still reads this blog. I might start asking random questions at the end of them to make them interesting.
Question the first.
What are peoples thoughts about picking up chicks while they are intoxicated? Fair or Unfair? LOL
Catch ya laters
Saturday, June 18, 2011
The Pizza, It died
I did shit all today. But let's see if I can make a blog out of it anyway.
I stayed up until about 6am because it was too fucking cold to go to sleep in my room. So I've decided that since my parents think that the heater uses too much electricity, I have to find some way to get a fireplace in my room. This also might require me to get a lock on my door so I can complete this idea to fruition.
Perhaps something like this.
So when I finally did manage to get some sleep, my brother comes in and wakes me up. He wanted me to move my car out of the driveway so he could get his bike out of the garage and go to work.
It was then that I was faced with a decision. I could either get out of my womb like tomb I had fashioned in my bed, or I could just let Garry take my car to work. I wrestled with my semi conscious brain and decided that I probably wouldn't need my car today anyway. So I told him where my keys were and went back to sleep.
I woke up when my brother came into my room to give me my keys back.
The rest of the afternoon was wasted listening to podcasts, watching tv, wrestling with my brother and then going to Coles to go and get some snackage.
Me and Garry got back home when I got a call from Tim asking us to come over Nat's house, so we headed over. I proceeded to kick everyone's ass in pool and I thoroughly brought my pancake mix to Jaz's fridge. Bitch needs to get himself a BIGGER FRIDGE COZ NEXT TIME I'M GONNA WIN TOO!
We ordered some Pizza. I had a supreme pizza but I only had four pieces before I accidentally dropped it on the floor. I was like, "meh, I had my four pieces, I'm full enough, FUCK! Now I have to clean it up.
But the rest of the table was like
The pizza had died.
There was a lot of tension in the room tonight. At first I thought I was imagining the tension, but then on the drive home Garry, who was drunk and in a pretty honest state was like, "man, what the fuck was up with Tim? Why was he being so uptight about everything, and does he hate that chick? I think her name was Ajay?"
Ah, Garry. He cracks me up.
But maybe I'm going a bit over the top by saying there was a lot of tension. Tim offered Ajay some tickets to one of the music festivals coming up, but then added the condition of her having to be nice to him, but which kinda ended up being just her doing stuff for him.
I told him I personally would have said get fucked and bought my own tickets, but she mustn't have any money. The rest of the shit I can't really remember all too well and we all argue and swear at each other anyway. It pretty standard.
Ajay was then running late for her train so I gathered everyone together and drove them all home. Garry collapsed when we got home and I stayed up watching YouTube mostly.
Well there we go, two in a row. And I leave you with Cock Titties.
I stayed up until about 6am because it was too fucking cold to go to sleep in my room. So I've decided that since my parents think that the heater uses too much electricity, I have to find some way to get a fireplace in my room. This also might require me to get a lock on my door so I can complete this idea to fruition.
So when I finally did manage to get some sleep, my brother comes in and wakes me up. He wanted me to move my car out of the driveway so he could get his bike out of the garage and go to work.
It was then that I was faced with a decision. I could either get out of my womb like tomb I had fashioned in my bed, or I could just let Garry take my car to work. I wrestled with my semi conscious brain and decided that I probably wouldn't need my car today anyway. So I told him where my keys were and went back to sleep.
I woke up when my brother came into my room to give me my keys back.
The rest of the afternoon was wasted listening to podcasts, watching tv, wrestling with my brother and then going to Coles to go and get some snackage.
Me and Garry got back home when I got a call from Tim asking us to come over Nat's house, so we headed over. I proceeded to kick everyone's ass in pool and I thoroughly brought my pancake mix to Jaz's fridge. Bitch needs to get himself a BIGGER FRIDGE COZ NEXT TIME I'M GONNA WIN TOO!
We ordered some Pizza. I had a supreme pizza but I only had four pieces before I accidentally dropped it on the floor. I was like, "meh, I had my four pieces, I'm full enough, FUCK! Now I have to clean it up.
But the rest of the table was like

There was a lot of tension in the room tonight. At first I thought I was imagining the tension, but then on the drive home Garry, who was drunk and in a pretty honest state was like, "man, what the fuck was up with Tim? Why was he being so uptight about everything, and does he hate that chick? I think her name was Ajay?"
Ah, Garry. He cracks me up.
But maybe I'm going a bit over the top by saying there was a lot of tension. Tim offered Ajay some tickets to one of the music festivals coming up, but then added the condition of her having to be nice to him, but which kinda ended up being just her doing stuff for him.
I told him I personally would have said get fucked and bought my own tickets, but she mustn't have any money. The rest of the shit I can't really remember all too well and we all argue and swear at each other anyway. It pretty standard.
Ajay was then running late for her train so I gathered everyone together and drove them all home. Garry collapsed when we got home and I stayed up watching YouTube mostly.
Well there we go, two in a row. And I leave you with Cock Titties.
Friday, June 17, 2011
If It get's any colder, I'm gonna kidnap a bitch to keep me warm at night...
I'll figure I'll try again to blog a little bit more often.
I keep trying to be productive, but then procrastination is so much easier.
My mum woke me up this morning to drop her off at work. It was so fucking cold out though, gah. While I was driving her to work she asked me to play the music I was playing in the car yesterday when I picked her up, but I had forgotten my iPhone.
She was referring to some of the songs on the 6th glee album
It's strange that even though she hates all my other music she enjoys the most embarrassing shit. But then again maybe not...
I got home intending to finally get shit done but that didn't really pan out so well. It was still frigid so I was like "meh, you know what? I think I'll just warm up a little in bed a bit and listen to a podcast or watch some show" but as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out for the count.
I woke up again at about 2 o'clock when Tim called me asking to go down to stockies. After I was like *shit I woke up at 2 WTF FUCKBALLS SHIT ASS*, I told him nah I don't wanna. But he persisted and the negotiations ensued.
We ended up settling on lunch as long as I didn't have to get out of the car. Which meant a trip to maccas. Man I need to stop going to that place. I don't even like any of the food anymore, but it's just so easy and with the hours I keep it's sometimes the only place left open for some hot food.
Meh, fuck it.
I then had to pick my mum up from work (this time I took my iPhone). I enjoy driving by myself and listening to my Podcasts and music. If fuel wasn't so damn expensive then I'd be in my car more often. That and I'm not sure if I've completely got the spew smell out of my car. I might tell myself I'll do something about that tomorrow.
I had work after that. 5 hours not bad, but being a Thursday is was boring as fuck. The Buble' dude wasn't there this week and instead there was another acoustic guitar playing singer with slightly newer music to play with his own little spin on it. It wasn't bad, but no matter how much of a distraction he was it still didn't make that clock move any faster.
On the plus side though, I got my 21st birthday off work, so not totally a waste of time.
When I got home I found my parents had stolen their heater back... FUCK THEM ASSHOLES!!!! It's too fucking cold in this room. I'm now wearing 6 layers of clothing and still failing to warm myself.
I keep trying to be productive, but then procrastination is so much easier.
My mum woke me up this morning to drop her off at work. It was so fucking cold out though, gah. While I was driving her to work she asked me to play the music I was playing in the car yesterday when I picked her up, but I had forgotten my iPhone.
She was referring to some of the songs on the 6th glee album

I got home intending to finally get shit done but that didn't really pan out so well. It was still frigid so I was like "meh, you know what? I think I'll just warm up a little in bed a bit and listen to a podcast or watch some show" but as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out for the count.
I woke up again at about 2 o'clock when Tim called me asking to go down to stockies. After I was like *shit I woke up at 2 WTF FUCKBALLS SHIT ASS*, I told him nah I don't wanna. But he persisted and the negotiations ensued.
We ended up settling on lunch as long as I didn't have to get out of the car. Which meant a trip to maccas. Man I need to stop going to that place. I don't even like any of the food anymore, but it's just so easy and with the hours I keep it's sometimes the only place left open for some hot food.
Meh, fuck it.
I then had to pick my mum up from work (this time I took my iPhone). I enjoy driving by myself and listening to my Podcasts and music. If fuel wasn't so damn expensive then I'd be in my car more often. That and I'm not sure if I've completely got the spew smell out of my car. I might tell myself I'll do something about that tomorrow.
I had work after that. 5 hours not bad, but being a Thursday is was boring as fuck. The Buble' dude wasn't there this week and instead there was another acoustic guitar playing singer with slightly newer music to play with his own little spin on it. It wasn't bad, but no matter how much of a distraction he was it still didn't make that clock move any faster.
On the plus side though, I got my 21st birthday off work, so not totally a waste of time.
When I got home I found my parents had stolen their heater back... FUCK THEM ASSHOLES!!!! It's too fucking cold in this room. I'm now wearing 6 layers of clothing and still failing to warm myself.
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