I stayed up until about 6am because it was too fucking cold to go to sleep in my room. So I've decided that since my parents think that the heater uses too much electricity, I have to find some way to get a fireplace in my room. This also might require me to get a lock on my door so I can complete this idea to fruition.
So when I finally did manage to get some sleep, my brother comes in and wakes me up. He wanted me to move my car out of the driveway so he could get his bike out of the garage and go to work.
It was then that I was faced with a decision. I could either get out of my womb like tomb I had fashioned in my bed, or I could just let Garry take my car to work. I wrestled with my semi conscious brain and decided that I probably wouldn't need my car today anyway. So I told him where my keys were and went back to sleep.
I woke up when my brother came into my room to give me my keys back.
The rest of the afternoon was wasted listening to podcasts, watching tv, wrestling with my brother and then going to Coles to go and get some snackage.
Me and Garry got back home when I got a call from Tim asking us to come over Nat's house, so we headed over. I proceeded to kick everyone's ass in pool and I thoroughly brought my pancake mix to Jaz's fridge. Bitch needs to get himself a BIGGER FRIDGE COZ NEXT TIME I'M GONNA WIN TOO!
We ordered some Pizza. I had a supreme pizza but I only had four pieces before I accidentally dropped it on the floor. I was like, "meh, I had my four pieces, I'm full enough, FUCK! Now I have to clean it up.
But the rest of the table was like

There was a lot of tension in the room tonight. At first I thought I was imagining the tension, but then on the drive home Garry, who was drunk and in a pretty honest state was like, "man, what the fuck was up with Tim? Why was he being so uptight about everything, and does he hate that chick? I think her name was Ajay?"
Ah, Garry. He cracks me up.
But maybe I'm going a bit over the top by saying there was a lot of tension. Tim offered Ajay some tickets to one of the music festivals coming up, but then added the condition of her having to be nice to him, but which kinda ended up being just her doing stuff for him.
I told him I personally would have said get fucked and bought my own tickets, but she mustn't have any money. The rest of the shit I can't really remember all too well and we all argue and swear at each other anyway. It pretty standard.
Ajay was then running late for her train so I gathered everyone together and drove them all home. Garry collapsed when we got home and I stayed up watching YouTube mostly.
Well there we go, two in a row. And I leave you with Cock Titties.
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