I keep trying to be productive, but then procrastination is so much easier.
My mum woke me up this morning to drop her off at work. It was so fucking cold out though, gah. While I was driving her to work she asked me to play the music I was playing in the car yesterday when I picked her up, but I had forgotten my iPhone.
She was referring to some of the songs on the 6th glee album

I got home intending to finally get shit done but that didn't really pan out so well. It was still frigid so I was like "meh, you know what? I think I'll just warm up a little in bed a bit and listen to a podcast or watch some show" but as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out for the count.
I woke up again at about 2 o'clock when Tim called me asking to go down to stockies. After I was like *shit I woke up at 2 WTF FUCKBALLS SHIT ASS*, I told him nah I don't wanna. But he persisted and the negotiations ensued.
We ended up settling on lunch as long as I didn't have to get out of the car. Which meant a trip to maccas. Man I need to stop going to that place. I don't even like any of the food anymore, but it's just so easy and with the hours I keep it's sometimes the only place left open for some hot food.
Meh, fuck it.
I then had to pick my mum up from work (this time I took my iPhone). I enjoy driving by myself and listening to my Podcasts and music. If fuel wasn't so damn expensive then I'd be in my car more often. That and I'm not sure if I've completely got the spew smell out of my car. I might tell myself I'll do something about that tomorrow.
I had work after that. 5 hours not bad, but being a Thursday is was boring as fuck. The Buble' dude wasn't there this week and instead there was another acoustic guitar playing singer with slightly newer music to play with his own little spin on it. It wasn't bad, but no matter how much of a distraction he was it still didn't make that clock move any faster.
On the plus side though, I got my 21st birthday off work, so not totally a waste of time.
When I got home I found my parents had stolen their heater back... FUCK THEM ASSHOLES!!!! It's too fucking cold in this room. I'm now wearing 6 layers of clothing and still failing to warm myself.
1 Response to If It get's any colder, I'm gonna kidnap a bitch to keep me warm at night...
lol...ermm SORRY!! and yay ur blogging
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