I didn't get to blog last night because I was too tired and I spent most of the night on FaceTime with Tim, looking at ideas for his tattoos.
As far as I can recollect I spent a lot of the previous morning awake, followed by sleep then work.
Work did not last long. It was a 3 hour shift, 2 hours was behind the bar where I made a total of like $6 in tips. The third hour was just me on the floor picking up glasses and shit. It wasn't so bad because I like being able to go home early, but I always wish I got to stay longer because I need the money... a lot.
As soon as I left work I checked my phone and saw that I had a text from Dave and so I decided to head over to Nat's house. We played pool and shit and they told me about my surprise birthday present, which was sky diving, which apparently I'm too fat for. That was crushing. Not so much that I didn't get to go, just that it makes feel shamed.
But man, even if I can't do it. How the hell do you top that for a birthday present? The thought was amazing and I don't know how I come even come close to that for Nat's birthday. I'm so broke and yeah... I'll make it up somehow.
Well eventually we ended up at Hoyts and we watched Bridesmaids.
On the drive home we didn't really have enough room in the car so we stuck Lana in the the back. We took the turns a little rough and jumped the speedhumps because it was fun making her bounce around. We dropped Tim off first and Lana was able to climb back in the front seat as we made our way back to Nat's.
We saw this horrible video of this guy pulling a maggotty thing out of his back. It was disgusting. But I can't remember what it was called so I'm not going to post it here.
Dave slept and we spent til nearly 4 in the morning chatting about shit. I also discovered that my teeth are incapable of cracking the shell of a macadamia nut. This was the second biggest disappointment of the evening. I used to have so much faith in my teeth.
When I woke up it was time to get ready for work. I had a 2 o'clock shift that lasted until 7:30. not bad, considering the Sunday rates, but I still would have preferred to work an 8 hour shift. More and more I keep thinking that it's time to start looking for a new job. I just don't know how to balance everything all at once.
Ideally I would really like to go back to working full time again, something with a decent rate of pay. But I don't know how that would work if I wanted to keep doing uni and keep doing the course I'm doing.
Work was fun but I already covered the previous days work topic so fuck that... I'm too lazy. When I finished I ate dinner with the 'rents and drove some drunkees home from the club. Before I knew it, it was now and I was writing this shit.
'Spose that will do. I wonder if anyone still reads this blog. I might start asking random questions at the end of them to make them interesting.
Question the first.
What are peoples thoughts about picking up chicks while they are intoxicated? Fair or Unfair? LOL
Catch ya laters
1 Response to Happy Birthday to Nat, and I hope Garry survives the snow... and this title has nothing to do with the blog
Good question dear Warren!
I would say it is unfair, although a girl should not be so clumsy as to make that mistake, going out and getting drunk with noone to look after her!
Keep up the good work ole' chap!
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